Different Types of Business Loans Offered by Axis Bank

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Types of Business Loans Offered by Axis Bank

Different business loan schemes offered by Axis Bank.

Axis Bank is one of the popular, fast-growing private sector banks in India. Founded in 1993 as UTI Bank, it was one of the first private banks in India at that time. The first branch was inaugurated in 1994 in Ahmedabad. Fast forward to 2020, Axis Bank has over 4,800 domestic branches and 9 international offices. On 31st March 2020, the bank had a market capitalisation of Rs. 2.31 trillion.

Axis Bank specialises in offering financial services and products to large, mid-sized, SME and retail businesses as well as retail customers. We look at a few corporate business loans from the bank that cover a wide range of business financing needs.

Axis Bank Working Capital Finance

This is a lending scheme to help businesses get funds for running their day-to-day business operations. Funds for all immediate expenses of the business to run its operations smoothly – from purchasing raw materials to making salary payments – can be met through this loan scheme. This is the perfect loan for business entities that need financial assistance during periods of reduced business activity. Seasonal businesses can also benefit from working capital loan facilities offered by Axis Bank.

Axis Bank Term Loan

Running a business requires careful planning and continuous growth and expansion. If you are looking for funds to acquire land / building to set up a business unit, purchase new machinery / equipment / vehicles or acquire long-term assets for your business then the Axis Bank Term Loan is the right business loan scheme. The loan amount to be sanctioned is decided by the bank on a case-to-case basis depending on the repayment capacity of the borrower.

Axis Bank Trade Services

Businesses in the trading sector come with their own challenges and rewards. If you are looking for funds at any stage pre-shipment or post-shipment for different business activities then the Axis Bank Trade Services loan is your best bet. You can get funds for your trade business right from sourcing / importing raw materials to manufacturing goods. The bank extends this loan in Indian currency as well as major foreign currencies.

Axis Bank Rent Receivable Financing

If you want to avail a loan against property in metro, urban and semi-urban areas leased out to public sector undertakings, reputed private education institutions, reputed private hospitals / nursing homes or franchises of reputed corporates for your business needs then Axis Bank Rent Receivable Financing is the perfect match for you. The repayment period of the loan depends on the remaining lease period of the property.

Axis Bank Structured Finance

Large businesses often deal with mergers and acquisitions on a regular basis. This means that these businesses may need funds to structure complex transactions and mitigate risks for the borrower when carrying out these activities. Axis Bank offers the Structured Finance scheme for these situations. This loan scheme can be used to fund transactions related to business mergers and acquisitions, investing in foreign markets, etc.

A Final Word

Now you know about some of the different types of business loans offered by Axis Bank. If you are wondering about business loans offered by other banks to find a suitable option, we suggest checking out our business loans page where we have covered business loans offered by major Indian banks.