What are the Options in Punjab National Bank Education Loans? (Part 1)

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What are the Options in Punjab National Bank Education Loans? (Part 1)

Punjab National Bank offers eight education loans:

  1. PNB Saraswati Education Loan
  2. PNB Pratibha Education Loan
  3. PNB Pravasi Shiksha Education Loan
  4. PNB Udaan Education Loan
  5. PNB Concessional Education Loan
  6. PNB Kaushal Education Loan
  7. PNB Honhar Education Loan
  8. PNB Education Loan for Pursuing Higher Education for Students of Bihar

We take a look at the first four here and the next four tomorrow. Cool? Also, these two pieces have our opinions, you may not agree but we don’t care. We have opined. Opinio Ergo Sum.

If you need more details, we have linked each loan to its specific page on our site. Click on it and check out what you need.

PNB Saraswati Education Loan

This loan is for higher study in India, i.e. students pursuing graduate, postgraduate and professional studies from recognised institutes in the country. This is a need-based loan and the maximum loan amount is based on the repayment capacity of the borrower and co-borrower (this is bank lingo for student and parent).

PNB Pratibha Education Loan

The next loan is for students of premier institutions in India. If you are not a part of such a premier one in your bachelors, make sure you get in in your masters. Indian recruiters tend to prefer pass-outs of these institutions over others any day. There are quite a few of these institutions these days and their eagerness to teach more students means you have a good chance of getting in whether you have your head on your shoulders or somewhere else.

PNB Pravasi Shiksha Education Loan

This loan is for higher study in India for students of Indian Origin Living Overseas. It is a one of a kind need-based loan with the bank deciding the cap based on the repayment capacity of the borrower and co-borrower (in other words if your parents are rich and you likely don’t need this loan, you will likely get it).

Available for bachelors, masters, doctorate (PhD) and professional studies in the country.

PNB Udaan Education Loan

The foreign study loan to help students pursue notified courses such as an MBA, MCA, MS, etc. that improve their chances of landing a job. In other words, if you go and study anywhere abroad with an exemplary placement record, you will likely get this loan. This is again a need-based loan which means exactly what we have mentioned earlier.

You can read the second part of this 2-part series here.

To wind up, a small message:

If you are looking for a personal or business loan, you can use our form here to apply to 40+ banks and FIs.

Don’t worry, we don’t send your application to 40+ banks and FIs as it will mess up your credit score. We offer free custom applications where we check your application in-house first and then check it with a bank or FI that is more likely to give you a loan. If they say no, we update you and check with a second bank or FI. We do this three times and if all applications are rejected, we give you free suggestions on the next best steps.

For your information, we don’t do instant loans as they are expensive for the borrower due to high interest rates.

Here is the link to apply again: Click to apply to 40+ Banks / FIs using a single form.