Don’t have a personal financial calendar? Here are 7 reasons why you need it in your life.
In this fast-paced life, forgetfulness is given. So many things are pulling you in different directions to catch your attention that you are bound to forget a few things here and there. It is natural. Your brain only focuses on what is most critical for survival and paying the phone bill or getting a kilo of onions is usually not it.
Forgetting anniversaries and birthdays is no big deal. Social media may even save the day by sending a pop-up notification.
But what if you start forgetting important things? Really important things regarding your money.
Reminders on your smartphone may be okay but a personal financial calendar is better. Here are 7 reasons why:
- You will never forget important financial obligations such as loan repayment, tax filing, invoice generation (if self-employed), etc.
- It will help you plan your monthly budget since you will be able to know exactly how much money you earn and how much you will have to part within a particular month for your financial obligations
- If you need to look back to find information on a particular loan installment payment date, tax filing date, etc. you will be able to do so in a flash
- You will be on top of your finances
- You will know how much you can take away from where and put them to better use. Each family member having a personal mobile plan from the same provider? Save some money by switching to a family plan
- You can plan for early retirement – and achieve the milestone
- You will not be burdened by money worries. You will have paid all the bills and saved and invested the right amount in the right way
- You will have a healthier life
- You will be able to take care of your family better
We promised 7 reasons – we gave 9. Just so you know the importance of the calendar.
It is up to you to decide whether you want to do it on a phone app or write down on a desk calendar. The important thing is to keep all this information in one place. We suggest you write it down. Gives it more importance than what a few phone clicks can do.
A personal financial calendar will help you in your quest to manage your money wisely. Agree or disagree?