
Looking to Reinvent Your Life? Increase Your Income / Wealth? New Programme from Finance Dragon

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A short break to finalise and launch this programme:

The Evolution U Personal Development Programme

Premise: Were you afraid of the dark as a child?
Yes? Did you know that fear is a part of you to protect you, or rather it was to protect your ancient ancestors?

Do you read a post on social media recently that says something different than what you believe and go, “Hrrmmph”? Maybe not exactly those words but something similar? Guess what? #Evolution again.

We have in us ingrained ‘qualities’ that are meant to protect us but contrary to what they were supposed to do, actually tie us down in this modern world.

They are the reasons we jump to wrong conclusions, fail in most things in life, and do all kinds of silly things we later regret.

From the view of money personalities, these are the reasons we fail to create and maintain our wealth.

So, we created this programme – for those who want to understand the underlying reasons we mess up – and how to prevent it.
Suitable for everyone of every age above 18 if you are curious about personal growth.

Go here: https://tinyurl.com/evolutionu

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