5 Quick Thoughts on Finance to Help You Get Smart About Your Money – A Finance Dragon Opinion Piece

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5 Quick Thoughts on Finance to Help You Get Smart About Your Money – A Finance Dragon Opinion Piece

Considering how busy our lives are, below are five quick thoughts on money and personal finance that might change your life.

We have given our thoughts and backed it up by a quote from someone famous where possible so you realise that we are very serious when it comes to teaching you the facts about wealth creation.

#1: Most people earn money to waste it.

Will Rogers said, “Too many people spend money they earned… to buy things they don’t want… to impress people they don’t like.”

#2: In the rush to earn more, people forget they are giving away their most precious belonging – their time.

As Jim Rohn said, “Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”

#3: If you want to be truly wealthy, put happiness before money. If you want to be truly happy, put work before happiness.

As Henry David Thoreau said, “Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.”

#4: There are two ways to earn money: the fast way and the slow way. Each has its plus and minuses. You have to decide which way is best for you.

#5. Money may not buy you happiness but it will give you the power to give happiness.

As David Lee Roth said, “Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it.” 

If you want to the unvarnished truth about personal success and wealth creation, then read more about the first module of our signature programme here: Evolution U: The Roadmap for Success.

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